San Jose State's Animation/Illustration ShrunkenHead Ladies at the Women In Animation Meeting |
Oh man. What a wonderful experience!
Tonight was my first time attending a Women In Animation meeting held at Pixar Animation Studio. Now that I am officially a member, I plan on attending as many lectures and events as I can!
So inspiring to see not only a large group of female students from various schools and aspects of our discipline, but to connect and network with professional females already in the industry! I loved being able to mingle with fellow students, listen to first hand accounts of projects the industry professionals are working on, and connect on a personal level with all of these ladies who share a same passion (and perhaps even obsession!) for what we do.
I am deeply honored to be a part of something so beautifully innovative. I cannot wait for the next event! I would like to extend a tremendous thank you to Angelique Reisch, Mary Kate Dangoia, and Angela Entzminger for making all of this possible!!
For information on Women In Animation SF Chapter, visit their facebook page: